Mallorcan Bottles
Images by Beathan Helbert Photography
This collection of work follows my research for the HAAR collection created in Aberdeen. During my internship with Maria De Haan in Mallorca, I collected materials from around the local area and started to develop a glaze from natural sources such as local rocks, which I gathered from the Cala and the village church, seaweed from along the coastline and olive tree wood ash. Using a similar formula as before, I was able to create this final result. Due to the rocks’ lack in silica, the glaze became thinner in the kiln, creating a beautiful flowing glaze on the bottles.
I also created some larger pieces while in Mallorca. These three pieces pushed my throwing skills as the clay was extremely groggy. The glazes on these pieces are not as strong as the bottles but it gave a natural green finish to the forms.​
Please email if interested or for more details.